Physicians depend on medical billers and coders almost as much as they depend on having patients each day. Without a knowledgeable medial biller and medical coder, these physicians would not get paid and they could possibly face large fines.
Physicians are not the only people who depend on trained and educated medial billers and coders. The government also depends on these people for accurate death certificates and causes of death.
Being a medical biller or medical coder is a huge responsibility. Once you have obtained training and have your certificate, a job should be relatively easy to find. The good news is, medical billers and coders are in high demand and once you have a job and are trained, job security in this field is great.
Medical coders have a lot of responsibilities. Some of these responsibilities include but are not limited to:
o New patient interviews
o Knowledgeable of Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance procedures
o Billing guidelines for different procedures such as in/out patient surgery, non-surgical medical procedures
o Setting up a filing system for completed medical claims
o Medicaid and the procedures covered under the government portion of Medicaid
o Working with supplemental medical insurances
o The inside workings of Workman's Compensation
o ICD-9-CM Medical Code
o Difference between primary and principal diagnosis
o CPT Coding
o Assigning emergency department and critical care codes
o Billing for preventative medicine office visits
o Coding for Necessary Medical Visits
Being a medical biller requires a great deal of knowledge of each and every insurance company that the physician(s) that you work for deal with. The medical biller needs to know the ins and outs and all of the rules that apply to each insurance company. Each company is unique with their requirements.
You may ask "why do physicians need a medical biller?' When a doctor or some type of health care provider provides a service to a patient, they are entitled to some type of payment or reimbursement for their services. It is up to the medical biller to properly bill the insurance company on behalf of the physician or healthcare provider to get payment.
Once the office visit is complete, the chart is passed on to the medical biller and they check the name of the insurance company. The next step is to read the chart and properly document the services that they patient received. The last step is to then fill out the correct form and submit it in a timely fashion for reimbursement.
Medical billing and coding is a good job with a great future.
The author has spent a lot of time learning about medical billing guides and other related topics. Read more about medical billing at Shawn's website. Article Source: Medical Billing Guides |